Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca ST53 exploits pit membranes of susceptible olive cultivars to spread systemically in the xylem
Montilon, V., De Stradis, A., Saponari, M., Abou Kubaa, R., Giampetruzzi, A., D’Attoma, G., & Saldarelli, P. (2023). Xylella fastidiosa…
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Role of Halotolerant Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria in Mitigating Salinity Stress: Recent Advances and Possibilities
Kumar, V.; Raghuvanshi, N.; Pandey, A.K.; Kumar, A.; Thoday-Kennedy, E.; Kant, S. Role of Halotolerant Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria in Mitigating…
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The potential direct economic impact and private management costs of an invasive alien species: Xylella fastidiosa on Lebanese wine grapes
Dr. Michel Frem Frem M, Fucilli V, Nigro F, El Moujabber M, Abou Kubaa R, La Notte P, Bozzo F,…
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أول تقرير عن ظهور لبكتيريا كزيليلا فاستيديوزا Xylella fastidiosa في الحمضيات باالبرتغال
د. الحسـن اشباني حسب تقرير جديد للمنظمة الأوروبية والمتوسطية لوقاية النباتات (EPPO) (Service de déclaration OEPP n° 01 – 2023 Numéro article: 2023/015)،…
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The iturin-like lipopeptides are essential components in the biological control arsenal of Bacillus subtilis against bacterial diseases of cucurbits
Zeriouh H, Romero D, Garcia-Gutierrez L, Cazorla FM, de Vicente A, Perez-Garcia A. The iturin-like lipopeptides are essential components in…
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Identification of plant leaf diseases by deep learning based on channel attention and channel pruning
Chen R, Qi H, Liang Y and Yang M (2022) Identification of plant leaf diseases by deep learning based on…
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Update of the Xylella spp. host plant database – systematic literature search up to 30 June 2022
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA),Alice Delbianco, Davide Gibin, Luca Pasinato, Donato Boscia and Massimiliano Morell Abstract This scientific report provides…
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Update of the Xylella fastidiosa outbreak in France: two new variants detected
and a new region affectedAbstract Xylella fastidiosa is a xylem-limited bacterium native to America and classified as a priority pest for EU regulation. Since…
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Diagnostic protocols for regulated pests
Protocoles de diagnostic pour les organismes réglementésBulletin OEPP /OEPP 34(2):187-192. Marco Scortichini Introduction Symptoms caused by the bacterium currently named Xylella fastidiosa were first observed in 1892…
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Comparative Genomics and Phylogenetic Analyses Suggest Several Novel Species within the Genus Clavibacter, Including Nonpathogenic Tomato-Associated Strains
Osdaghi E, Rahimi T, Taghavi SM, Ansari M, Zarei S, Portier P, Briand M, Jacques M-A. Abstract Members of the…
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